Finally celebrating together again!

Jubilarians of Fritz Baur

Despite Corona, there were occasions to celebrate in the last two years, but no opportunity. We have now made up for this and spent an evening together in the newly renovated Gasthaus Roessle in Bernau-Innerlehen with delicious food and cheerful company.

Looking back and looking forward with confidence

To start the evening, our Managing Director Georg Baur gave a short review of the last two Corona years and drew a positive balance. Because we at Fritz Baur were able to adapt to the new conditions quite quickly. Not least due to the flexibility of our team, full employment was possible. We only had to use short-time work on a few days. Georg Baur expressed his gratitude to his team for this – because each individual had made his contribution. The shortage of materials and the increase in the price of raw materials will probably continue to challenge us. The conflict in Ukraine is also exacerbating the situation. “However, we are confident that we can also master this challenge,” Georg Baur concluded his short presentation.

The focus of the evening was to be on our employees. After all, we were going to present awards for around 200 years of service! We are very proud and consider ourselves very fortunate for this great loyalty!

The jubilarians of the evening

  • Ernst Leber for 35 years of service
  • Christian Höfler and Roy Wassermann with 30 years each
  • Werner Müller for 25 years each. Like Ernst, Werner also started with us at that time with an apprenticeship as a wood mechanic.
  • Karl-Heinz Voigt for 25 years as well. We have retired Karl-Heinz and are glad that he wants to continue to contribute his experience and ideas as a pensioner and mini-jobber.
  • Wassili Graf for 20 years
  • Sergio Pina for 15 years
  • Iva Juric and Werner Berger for 10 years

The honouring of Ernst Leber is outstanding. Ernst has been with us for 35 years. Back then, he was one of our first apprentices to become a wood mechanic and today, with his experience, he is a very valued employee. Many thanks for your commitment, Ernst!

Besides Karl-Heinz, we also said goodbye to Werner Berger and Joachim Maschtalski after 28 years of service.

For all jubilarians there was a bonus and certificate and great applause from the entire staff. This made the next course taste even better!

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